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Student Services & Support

 Name  Title
 Penelope Pitts  Behavior Manager
 Jacqueline Sheridan  School Counselor
 Frank Shockley  School Counselor
 Michael Lewis  School Psychologist
 Jennifer Novak  Speech Therapist
 Elizabeth Zambrano  DSP School Resource Officer


General School Nurse Information

Kathy Shook, RN
Phone: (302) 684-5602

National Commission for Case Management- Certified Case Manager
Member of DE School Nurse and National Association of School Nurses

During the school day, our school nurse makes every effort to provide a safe and caring environment for your child while they are away from home. Please help by providing the school with up to date information on your child’s health conditions.  This includes any new or ongoing health conditions that may require medications, treatments or special considerations while your child is in school. 

If your contact information changes during the school year, including home phone, cell phone, work number or address, please contact the school to have this information updated. This is critical so that the school is able to contact a parent/guardian if necessary!

Thank you very much for your assistance in promoting a safe and healthy learning environment for our students!

Click Here for School Nurse Forms