Mariner After School Program (MASP)
Daily Agenda/Expectations
On Tuesday and Thursday from 2:45PM - 4:40PM, student participants will be given time to read independently, complete homework/missing classwork/projects, organize their binders, review in-class notes, and receive clarification, as needed, in Mariner classrooms with the assistance of Mariner staff members. Participants will be grouped by grade level and opportunities for students to work cooperatively will be encouraged as behavior allows. In an effort for students to track their own progress throughout the year, individuals will also be given the chance to review progress reports for each class through their Home Access account.
- Silent reading for 20 minutes
- Quietly work on nightly homework for 65 minutes
- Free time until dismissal for 25 minutes
- Dismissal/Pickup is at 4:40PM
- Provide Mariner students the opportunity to complete homework/missing classwork in a safe and quiet working environment with the assistance of MMS staff.
- Assist Mariner students in developing a better understanding of in-class notes, class assignments, homework assignments, and organization.
Behavior Expectations/Contract
Students are expected to follow all school rules during the Mariner After School Program (MASP). If your student is not coming to MASP to work and be respectful to the staff and other students, your student will no longer be able to stay for the MASP. This means each student needs to come prepared with a book to read and work that needs to be completed for homework and/or classwork. If a student is not actively and productively working, and/or they are defiant and disrespectful to the teaching staff and other students in the MASP classroom, they will be dismissed immediately from the program.